
The Archdiocesan Unified Curriculum is used in all of our content areas Kindergarten through grade 8. General curriculum goals and expectations for our students include:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the Catholic Church.
  • Show respect for God’s creations, especially human life in all its diversity as a special gift of God.
  • Engage in sacraments and activities to help them discover their call to justice, service, and loving relationships with God and others.
  • Demonstrate self awareness, social skills, self management and responsible decision making.
  • Communicate ideas effectively, clearly, and concisely in oral, written, and digital forms.
  • Demonstrate ability to access information from a variety of sources and make practical applications of knowledge. 
  • Understand and incorporate problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, and conceptual thinking skills in a variety of settings. 
  • Demonstrate good citizenship while interacting positively with others and their environment. 
  • Develop an awareness of and show an appreciation for the fine arts.
  • Use technology to aid in learning and communication skills. 
  • Develop as physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.